Events, lectures and announcements

So that we can stay up to date, please send us information about new events and publications to Jochen Klar or Sabine Schönau or make a pull request.

Workshops and meetings:


11. RDMO Community Meeting (virtual) Report
We plan to discuss important topics with you, including Status of the planned founding of the association, migration and the end of the Supports 1.x -> 2.0 and many updates from the RDMO groups and Initiatives with RDMO participation.


12. RDMO community meeting (virtual)
Planned are among other things, presentations of some projects from the community, the NFDI basic service DMP4NFDI, the possibilities of RDMO plugins and the new RDMO feature that allows attributes to be merged. You can register here


RDMOHackathon at the LMU Munich Program
A RDMO hackathon is taking place in Munich at the university library of the LMU. Registration is possible until 25.09.2024. Participation is free of charge.


Foundation of the RDMO association
The founding meeting for the “RDMO e.V.” takes place at the the UB of the TU Berlin. Anyone interested in attending can to contact the steering group in advance. You can find more information about the founding of the association here.

11.09.23, 13:00-17:00

10. RDMO community meeting at KIT, Library of the South Campus Report
RDMO, as the leading software for data management plans in the German-speaking region, allows saving of project-related information in a structured format and the consequent steering of processes and information ingesting into other research data services. With these functionalities RDMO provides a significant contribution to the construction of central and decentral research data infrastructures, as demonstrated by the wide use in NFDI consortia and regional RDM initiatives
RDMO is maintained as a community-driven project. The community members contribute to the further development of the software, its plugins and to the composition and curation of the contents as well as to the dissemination.

What can you expect from this meeting?
- Presentation of the present state and scenarios for the further development
- Discussion about the interoperability of data management plans
- Exchange and Networking with the RDMO community

10./11. August 2023

RDMO Hackathon at the ULB Darmstadt
It is aimed at all institutions and interested parties who would like to better integrate RDMO into their processes. It offers the possibility to implement their own plugin ideas or extensions.
Further information on the procedure and registration can be found at index.php/RDMO_Hackathon_2023 Registration is possible up to and including June 30th.


9. RDMO community meeting (virtually, 4 hours) Report
The individual groups presented their work and there were lectures on various topics. In addition, new StG members were elected.


8. RDMO community meeting (virtual, 4 hours) Report
Among other things, this was about finalizing the roadmap. Current challenges were also discussed. It turned out that the uniform use of the DFG checklist poses a problem. For this purpose, a new ad hoc group was subsequently formed within the RDMO content group, which deals with dealing with the DFG checklist and develops a generic RDMO questionnaire, which alone or together with a suitable view, which ensures that the answers are presented as continuous text spent, can be reused.
For more information, you can refer to the notes the UAG DFG checklist, or ask the RDMO working group.


7. RDMO community meeting (virtual, 2.5 hours) Report
The main topic of this meeting was the development of a roadmap process for RDMO for user-centric advancement.
- User-driven advancement for RDMO (10 min) -> Harry Enke
- Lightning talks (total 15 min)
Giacomo Lanza (content group)
Jochen Klar (software group)
- Breakout sessions dimensions of an RDMO roadmap (2 rooms, 2x 20 min.) (change of Topics in the rooms)
- content dimension - moderation by Robert Strötgen
- technical dimension - moderation by Jochen Klar
- joint final discussion / next steps (Gerald Jagusch)

Februar 2022

At the suggestion of the software group, the steering committee has undertaken a restructuring of the RDMO Git repositories and the people or groups who regulate the editing of the repositories. Above all, the new structures of the RDMO working group were reflected on.
In the NFDI, a task force “DMPs in the NFDI” was formed within the NFDI Tools group.

Dezember 2021

as of now the new version RDMO 1.7.0 is available. While these are primarily bug fixes, since additional functionality has been added, the middle number of the version number is increased. In response to feedback, we have slightly revised the interview. For record questions, “Save and Continue” now moves to the next question set rather than the next record, but continues to process the same record. (The old behavior can be kept via the PROJECT_QUESTIONS_CYCLE_SETS setting). Question sets that can be skipped by conditions are marked by a small question mark in the navigation. As always, more information is available on the release page at
There are also some new features coming to the rdmo-catalog repository. They are released under the version number 1.1.0-rdmo-1.6.0, where rdmo-1.6.0 means that the release can be used with RDMO from 1.6.0. The following changes are included
- Domain - 22 new attributes (required for Horizon Europe).
- Conditions - 4 new conditions
- Options - additional options; language adjustment; localization to French and Italian
- Catalogs - additional questions and help texts; DFG links update; language adjustment; localization in French and Italian
- Community contributions - Table overview; new catalog for Science Europe / VW Foundation; update FoDaKo-DFG catalog.

November 2021

in the last weeks some minor problems in RDMO have been noticed, so version 1.6.2 is now available, which mainly contains bug fixes. For example, overlays were fixed in case PROJECT_ISSUES were disabled in the settings. Also, an error that occurred when records were removed was fixed. A problem with resolving conditions in question sets was also fixed. Some improvements that might be more interesting for technical interested people or RDMO administrators are also on the list of new features. From now on we use Github actions and not Travis-CI for our automated tests. Furthermore, a command has been added on the command line to track down and remove projects that have no owners, for example. As always, our release notes can be found at
The reports of the community meeting on 04.10.2021 can be found - as always - at
November 16 was the day of research data in NRW. In the afternoon program Torsten Rathmann talked about requirements of third party funders and DMPs and also presented RDMO, especially also a new version of the FoDaKo questionnaires for DFG projects. More information is available on the event website.

Oktober 2021

After a 2 month testing period, we released RDMO 1.6 on Tuesday. As always, you can find the relevant information on the release page on GitHub
There will be many new features in the new version
- Question sets can now be nested to map hierarchies such as datasets -> creators -> institutions (as in DataCite).
- In the catalogs, questions can be marked as optional for users and default answers can be configured.
- An autocomplete widget, tooltips in help texts, the possibility to arrange questions side by side serve for better usability.
- An overlay tutorial for new users is designed to make it easier to get started.
- The instance can be configured to automatically save most input when answering questions.
- The implementation of the conditions and other database accesses have been optimized to improve page load speed.
- Questions, question sets and options can be hidden in the management interface.
- For question sets configured as a collection, the attribute is now set explicitly (i.e. project/dataset/id instead of project/dataset). A migration will automatically adjust existing question catalogs.
- Theme creation is simplified for new instances, but existing instances can continue to operate as usual.
RDMO uses Django 3.2 from version 1.6 and thus requires Python 3.6. If this should cause problems for you, please contact us.


6th Community-Meeting (virtual) Program

September 2021

Community Workshop on October 4, 2021
The detailed program is now posted. We will still add the contributions for the breakout sessions in the last week of September.
the release candidate of RDMO is still in the testing phase. We would appreciate it if institutions that have test instances or similar would try the release so that any bugs can be found and ironed out during the testing phase. The release candidate must be installed directly from GitHub. How to do that is described on the (pre-)release page - pre-release
The test phase will run at least until the next developer meeting, which will take place on the third Thursday in September. Depending on the feedback, the test phase will then be extended or terminated in order to then start work on a new RDMO release.


DMPs in the NFDI - Kick-Off Meeting (virtual)

August 2021

The work on RDMO will continue diligently in the summer! The new version of RDMO is now ready for a test phase, as announced. The release candidate has to be installed directly from GitHub, how to do that is described on the (pre-)release page. In addition, the list of numerous changes can be viewed on this page.

Juli 2021

Work is underway on the new release of RDMO, which is expected to be arriving in early August. Part of the release will be nested question sets, optional questions, preset default answers, an autocomplete widget, tooltips in help texts, tutorial overlays for new users and numerous other improvements. Unlike before, we will have a test phase before the release, during which the new version can be tried out on test instances (if available). We will inform you by e-mail when the time comes.

April 2021

RDMO 1.5.5, a new version has been published, with a cpuple of minor bug fixes. Installation procedures as usual. If RDMO version is 1.5.x no database migrations are required. More info at Release page on GitHub

März 2021

RDMO 1.5 Last week, version 1.5 of RDMO was released, which again contains a number of innovations. This time, the focus was particularly on practical usability for researchers. The interview is now always continued on the page that was last accessed. A number of details have been changed in the user interface, making it much more intuitive. In the questionnaires, file uploads can be configured to upload additional material such as graphics or documents. Projects can now be created as sub-projects of existing projects, with inherited access rights. Views of parent projects can access sub-projects to collate information from multiple projects. Adding new users to projects now works via email notifications and users who are not yet registered in the RDMO instance can also be invited via this way. We have also worked on RDMO “under the bonnet” - By optimising the database accesses, RDMO should now be much faster and smoother. The (rather technical) overview of the individual features can be found on the release page on GitHub.
News from the RDMO Content Group.
Meanwhile, in addition to the UAG Editorial Processes for Attributes, Options and Views, 3 other UAGs have formed - Text Guidance for DMPs, Promotion for RDMO and Engagement in an RDA - UAG for DMPs. Anyone who is interested in getting involved in the UAGs is very welcome. For example, the UAG Editorial Processes is currently working on adding new attributes, options and conditions to the corresponding files of the RDMO standard catalogue on the basis of a concrete case. The CG meets every 2nd Thursday of the month from 11-12h. Announcements are made via the RDMO distribution list.´
Report NFDI - DMP Workshop
On 02.03. the Steering Group of the RDMO Working Group together with the NFDI Directorate and the NFDI4Ing consortium held a virtual workshop on the topic “Creation of data management plans and use of DMP tools in the NFDI” with 50 representatives of 21 consortia (funded and not yet funded). A detailed report on this event can be found on the RDMO’s website.


RDMO AG with NFDI4Ing and NFDI directorate - Workshop “Use of Data Management Plans and DMP Tools in the NFDI”

Februar 2021

Work is underway on a new version of RDMO, which is scheduled for release at the end of February. If all goes well, it will include improvements to the user interface, allow files to be uploaded when answering questions, and introduce a hierarchical structure of projects that can be nested in this way. However, there is still some testing and development to be done before this can happen.
As announced elsewhere, the UAG Data Management Plans of the DINI/nestor-AG Research Data in cooperation with is organising a virtual workshop series on the topic of data management plans in spring 2021. A description of the workshops and the registration form are now online.
The workshops are aimed both at participants who have had little contact with the topic of DMPs so far and at people who already have a wide range of experience with DMPs.
The RDMO steering group, together with the NFDI Directorate and the NFDI4Ing consortium, has invited all NFDI consortia to actively participate with a short presentation in the virtual workshop “Creating Data Management Plans and DMP Tools in the NFDI” in early March 2021. This is against the background of the “Leipzig-Berlin Declaration on NFDI Cross-Cutting Issues in Infrastructure Development” and the cross-cutting issue “Creation of Data Management Plans” mentioned therein. It is intended to serve the exchange within the NFDI. We will report on the results in due course.

Dez 2020

Virtual RDMO consultation hour

Nov 2020

Virtual Meetings of Content group and Software group
Content group meets regularly each 2.nd Thursday of the month, from 11:00-12:00h. The Zoom meeting will be announced via E-mail und Slack. A week later, each 3.rd Thursday of the month, from 11:00-12:00h the Software group meets. Both meetings are inviting interested parties.
Community-Meeting 07.10.2020
Our Community-Meeting took place on 07.10.2020, with about 60 participants as a virtual conference. An extended report has been published (in German language) at, including most presented discussion material.

Okt 2020

First we would like to draw your attention once again to the planned virtual RDMO user meeting on 07.10.2020. A detailed programme is published on the RDMO website. The keynote will be given by Mr. Sure-Vetter (NFDI Director). The RDMO Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will also be presented in detail.
Next week the RDMO Release 1.3 will be released before the User Meeting. It will contain some new features, of which only a few will be mentioned here. Besides some bug fixes there will be minor improvements in the user interface, an extended configurability of reference documents and easier customization of the footer. Furthermore, thanks to the work of Dario Pilori and Giacomo Lanza, RDMO will also be available in Italian with the next release. One of the major changes concerns the revision of tasks, whose functionality has been significantly expanded.


4th Community-Meeting (virtual)
Program and Report (German language)

Sep 2020

We have not been idle this month and have released version 1.2 of RDMO. In the management interfaces, elements such as options, attributes, but also entire question catalogues can now be copied directly. Catalogues, tasks and views can be hidden by the users (e.g. as long as they are still being worked on). Attributes and conditions indicate in which questions, question sets, etc. they are used. Elements can now also be exported individually, e.g. a question set or a view. We have also redesigned the import. Before the actual import, it is now shown what is being imported and if there are any problems. In addition, individual elements can be deselected. After the import it is shown again what has been imported and if there have been any errors.
Also some errors have been fixed with the new release. Many of them concerned translations. RDMO is now better prepared for missing texts, should they not be available in the selected language. In these cases the existing language is used. Views have been extended by four available variables. The function “render_value” can now be used with “project/title”, “project/description”, “project/created” and “project/updated”.

Aug 2020

In the new RDMO version 1.1 we have revised the project export and import functionalities. This lays the foundation to support formats like DataCite, the schema of RADAR derived from DataCite and also the maDMP proposed by the RDA in RDMO. Since the mapping of RDMO to these formats is dependent on our domain model, which is not part of the RDMO code but is maintained independently, it was necessary to store the code in plugins. In the future, these will be collected in rdmo-plugins, analogous to the rdmo-catalog repository. The “mapping” of the formats to the RDMO domain model is done these plugins’ code. It is additionally documented by us in a Google document. For full support it will be necessary to introduce additional questions and attributes.
In the future we want to use this kind of plugins more to implement domain specific features in RDMO and of course plugins can be used by instances to implement more customized functionality. The details are available in the plugin documentation.

Jul 2020

The new version 1.0.7 of RDMO includes as new features 1) Multi-site setup - Run different RDMO pages with different URLs and themes on one server with a common database (more at; 2) Certain users can now be made site managers via the admin interface (more at html#roles); 3) RDMO is now available in French (texts in the software itself, RDMO question catalog and its attached options and some other identifiers and help texts), the corresponding XML files are available via the catalog repository; 4) the terms of use are now available via a separate URL.

Jun 2020

In May we held the first virtual RDMO consultation. The discussion resulted in the request to create requirements as GitHub issues, as the most permanent and comprehensible workflow. If you have any questions about creating issues, please contact us at RDMO-Slack or via email. The RDMO team participated in the virtual “RDA Hackathon on maDMP” from 27-28.05.2020 and worked on the interoperability of RDMO with the maDMP standard. The result is a plugin where the mapping takes place and an export to the maDMP JSON format is created. In addition, the RDMO team presented “Data Management Plans with RDMO” on 08.06.2020 in a webinar organised by the FDM-BB project (University of Potsdam, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences).

Mai 2020

RDMO is now available in version 1.0.6. With the new version it is possible to perform simple mathematical calculations in views, e.g. for simple tabular summaries of the personnel and material costs incurred. Further explanations in the tutorial and in the technical documentation. Since May, every first Thursday of the month (except on holidays), there is a “virtual RDMO consultation hour” for members of the RDMO community (data managers, administrators etc.). Details in the RDMO Newsletter. Furthermore, the steering group has decided that RDMO as an open source project is now called “RDMO Arbeitsgemeinschaft” and is preparing a Memorandum of Understanding on the basis of which institutions and organizations will be able to participate in the continuation of RDMO. The members of the groups of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft can be found at Community.

Apr 2020

RDMO Release 1.0.5 (bug fixes, including login with ORCID, errors when downloading vendor files, display of sets in views). Update is recommended. See the documentation regarding the new entries in required for the ORCID. The report of the 3rd RDMO Community Meeting is online. There will be a “virtual RDMO consultation” from May 2020, please contact us for details. We have added the “DFG-Fragenkatalog” (DFG Question Catalog) from the FoDaKo project, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Torsten Rathmann) (CC0) to the AIP demo instance and continue to add catalogs from the community to the GitHub repository - either create a pull request on GitHub or send the XML files via mail to Especially helpful for re-use is the additional provision of a file or documentation for each catalog.

Mar 2020

3rd RDMO User Meeting

Feb 2020

This month we released RDMO Release 1.0.3. It contains improvements and minor bug fixes. New API filter attributes are provided to make interfaces more flexible, e.g. making it easier to export a set of answers and then assign the corresponding questions to it, since questions can now be localized via the API using the “attribute” parameter. Furthermore, RDMO now uses “pytest”, which can also be used to test the RDMO app. In January Ulrike Wuttke and Olaf Michaelis presented at the workshop of the DHd-AG data centers on 23/24.01.2020 in Frankfurt an Main the efforts made by the RDMO-project to make it Datacite compatible. The paper “From Project to Sustainable Tool for Research Data Management - The Example of Research Data Management Organiser” was accepted for the 109th German Librarians’ Day (26-29 May 2020, Hannover).


3rd Community-Meeting Foundation Meeting as Open Source Projekt Programm, Bericht

Jan 2020

The focus of the meanwhile 3rd RDMO Community Meeting on 24.02.2020 at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) will be the adoption of the RDMO Manifesto and the foundation of the RDMO Community, especially the constitution of the Steering Group and the Software Group. In addition, there will be short spotlights from the community of RDMO users. Link to the program. During the RDA De-Meeting following the RDMO-Community Meeting, we will offer an RDMO workshop in the morning of 25.02.2020. Registration is now possible.


Regional workshop in Bonn at Max Weber Foundation

Nov 2019

This month we have made some updates and changes to the RDMO training materials. You can find training materials such as video tutorials or the RDMO questionnaire on the RDMO website at Documentation. Further tutorials, FAQs etc. for different target groups (administrators, users) can be found on the Wiki The 3rd User Meeting will take place on 24.02.2020 in Potsdam at the AIP. There the constitution of the future organisation of RDMO is planned.

Okt 2019

RDMO has made the jump to version 1. The latest version contains two important changes concerning the project membership of users. Firstly, this can now be controlled via the API and secondly, users can now remove themselves from a project at any time if they are not the last owner of this project. The report of the 2nd RDMO User Meeting on 07.10.2019 in Darmstadt at the ULB is online. We also presented RDMO at the Open Access Days in Hannover and the RDMO training materials at a workshop in Hildesheim (slides online on Zenodo).


2nd Community Meeting Sustainable RDMO Future Program + Slides


On 27.09.2019 the semi-annual meeting of the RDMO project took place in Berlin. There were intensive discussions on the topic of sustainability and the further development of RDMO. In addition, the final details for the next RDMO User Meeting in Darmstadt were clarified.


4th Meeting of the project members

Aug 2019

This year’s RDMO User Meeting takes place on 07.10.2019 at the ULB Darmstadt. Students “Data Stewardship” of the TU Vienna have developed some prototypes, mappings and examples regarding the export of machine-actionable data management plans from an RDMO instance according to the RDA-Standard for maDMPs. More information can be found here. These developments are part of the RDMO project’s efforts to make DMPs created with RDMO interoperable with the maDMP standard. In addition, the new RDMO version 0.14.6 is available (small changes, bugfix).

Jul 2019

Last month we found and fixed some minor bugs in RDMO. Especially the installation process didn’t work anymore due to an update of a library we used. The changes are contained in the new version 0.14.5 on Github, which can be installed as usual.

Jun 2019

We repaired the DCC question catalog whose import did not work correctly. You can find the updated version on GitHub. It contains ten new attributes that have been added to the domain model. Therefore, you should import the domain model first before importing the DCC-catalog. The current XML file can be imported without any preparatory steps. Already imported data is retained and only the missing ten entries are added. Furthermore, there is another method to install RDMO or to try it out quickly. You can find on GitHub a version of RDMO that is packaged in Docker Compose. We would be happy to receive suggestions to further improve this RDMO installation method. Olaf Michaelis will take parental leave from the beginning of July until the beginning of October. Of course, we will continue to support and develop RDMO during the three months of his absence, however, with less personnel.

Mai 2019

RDMO version 0.14.4 (bug fixes) is now available. Problems caused by the switch to Django2 and Python3 should now be fixed. An update is highly recommended, as Python2 will not be supported for long. In May the kick-off of the project “Management of Molecular Data in the Research Data Life Cycle” (MaMoDaR), a cooperation of FH Potsdam and Robert Koch Institute, took place at FHP and the IPK Gatersleben transferred RDMO as a research data management tool from the test phase to the productive phase. If you are planning RDM training courses using RDMO, please let us know the dates, then we can promote them (e.g. Twitter, Newsletter). We would also be happy to receive your feedback and experience reports from the training courses or training materials.

Apr 2019

The new version 0.14 is released. The biggest changes are the conversion to Django 2.2 and Python 3 (from this version on RDMO doesn’t work with Python 2 anymore!) and the revision of the API and an extension of write access. Starting from Django 2.1 onwards, older versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL are no longer supported. Please check the Django release notes before updating to avoid surprises. In addition, a platform for the exchange of questionnaires will be created. You can send us questionnaires that you would like to share.

Mar 2019

The new RDMO version 0.13 is released. The biggest innovation is the revision of the multilingualism. RDMO can now be used with up to 5 languages. An instance in English only is also possible. RDMO was represented at two events this month - an RDMO Hands-On Lab took place at the 7th Bibliothekskongress 2019 (Leipzig) and during the eScience Days 2019 in Heidelberg RDMO was present with a poster, a demo table, and a lightning talk.

Feb 2019

In February the regular meeting of the RDMO project group took place in Berlin. There were intensive discussions on sustainability. It was decided to organise an RDMO user meeting at the ULB Darmstadt on 07.10.2019. The RDMO project was represented with a poster at the RDA Germany conference.


3rd Meeting of the project members

Jan 2019

We release Version 0.12.0 of RDMO with improved error handling, a button for the URI prefix and the possibility to delete user profiles. Two new Screencasts have been released. We collect now question catalogs and views. Janine Straka from the RMDO team will be on maternity leave from February and then on parental leave. From March on, Ulrike Wuttke will take over the substitution.

Dez 2018

It is now clear that Jochen Klar will leave the AIP, but will continue to work closely with the RDMO team in the future. More screencasts are in preparation.

Nov 2018

We release version 0.11.0 of RDMO with the new data model. With the new structure it will be possible to easily create your own question catalogs and at the same time to use the domain model of the whole RDMO community to reuse views, question catalogs, etc. We have also revised our documentation and added the new work steps. In addition, we have removed the subsections of the question catalog and redesigned the question sets so that they now always correspond to a page in the interview, have their own title and appear in the small overview on the page. We were a guest at the Open Science Forum in Luxembourg and gave a lecture on data management in the Digital Humanities. RDMO was also used in a hands-on session. The materials are published on Zenodo. We also published a first screencast on our website. More screencasts will follow soon.


Workshop about DMPs at the Open Science Forum in Luxembourg

Okt 2018

On the 24th October we presented a RDMO poster at the International Open Access Week 2018 in Berlin. Moreover we improved our Postcard and there is now a English version.

Sep 2018

At the beginning of September the first bigger Community-Meeting took place at the University of Duisburg-Essen with a lot of discussions. Here is a German report of the meeting
Mid-September we were at the Library of Dresden, where RDMO is quite new. At the end of September we had our second meeting of the project members in Karlsruhe and agreed on the following plan of main features

* Finalisation of Import/Export
* Extension of API and RDMO connection to other examplary software
* Release of new data model
* Implementation of role-based views across projects
* Further development of collaborative features of RDMO for comments and versioning of input
* Diff–function for snapshots
* Genuine multilingualism
* Client capability


2nd Meeting of the project members


Regional workshop in Dresden


1st Community Meeting at University Duisburg-Essen Report

Aug 2018

In August we prepaired the first and big Community Meeting of RDMO which will take place at the University Duisburg-Essen. We have created a set of topical slides which was asked for and which you are allowed to re-use and adapt. Moreover, the next meeting of the project members will be in September.

Juli 2018

In July we decided, based on discussions with the community, to evolve a restricted multi-clientcapability in RDMO, but expected not before next year. We were working very hard on the refractoring of our data model and we will report about it soon. Moreover, there are now two movies about what RDMO, which you can re-use.


Regional workshop in Bochum & Siegen


Regional workshop in Darmstadt

Jun 2018

In June we added submenues to our website to achieve a clear arrangement, for example we added the topic Data protection({{site.baseurl}}/en/protection). There is now a Quick tutorial for the import and export available at At the 13th of June we gave a talk about RDMO at the 107th Bibliothekartag.


Regional workshop in Braunschweig

Apr & Mai 2018

In April we were focused on improving the import and export and we released a new RDMO version at the beginning of May. Including some mino bug fixes the current version number is 0.10.2. Moreover we provide a flyer which you can reuse and adapt for your institute to advertise for your RDMO instance. The current issue about data security let us introduce a splash screen for the terms of use available since version 0.10.3.


Regional workshop at RWTH Aachen University

Mar 2018

This month we attended the Open Science Conference and the 11th RDA Plenary Meeting and had many stimulating discussions. One big topic are machine actionable DMPs (maDMPs). In RDMO we support the workflow during a whole project and the integration in the infrastructure right from the start and hence, we are pioneers. Our main goals are at the moment the software architecture for which we need a common standard, templates for terms of use and data protection and moreover, we provide a postcard, a poster and presentation slides for you to use freely.

Feb 2018

On 8th and 9th of February, the current and new members of the RDMO project team came together for the kickoff-meeting of the second phase of the RDMO project at the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP). After a short introduction, we got down to business and assmbled our work plan for the next 6 months
* RDMO will be present in future workshops and conferences. The next meetings are the Open Science Conference and the RDA Plenary Meeting in March. Both meetings are in Berlin.
* We identified upcoming features in RDMO and prioritised their implementation. We plan to add the much wanted improved Import/Export in the next month. Next, we will improve the management interface, including the possibility to copy and move catalogs, sections, etc. Following up, we will implement the interface to 3rd party tools via plugins and the integration of external APIs, e.g.
* We will further work on tutorials and material for training and outreach.
* Most institutions who plan to use RDMO will need to create a documentation regarding data privacy regulations and terms of use (including probably a consent declaration of users for DPR) in the process. We plan to support this by providing corresponding templates on our webpage.


1st Meeting of the project members

Jan 2018

We welcome our new team members Kerstin Vanessa Wedlich (KIT) and Olaf Michaelis (AIP). While Kerstin will work on the integration of RDMO into, Olaf will delevelop the RDMO codebase further and help the technical support. We published our first two tutorials on “How do I create a catalogue in RDMO?” and “How do I create a view in RDMO?” (in German). A page for Frequently Asked Questions was created as well. A new questionaire for the Switzer National Fonds (SNF) was created and can be obtained on GitHub.


Regional workshop at Alfred-Wegner-Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven


Regional workshop at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)


Regional workshop at ZB Med Information Centre for Life Sciences


Final workshop of the first project phase with presentation of project results


Input workshop with selected experts of research data community


RDMO has been presented at several occasions:

See list of talks:
  • LIBER Research Data Management Working Group webinar, 01. 02. 2024,
    Data Management Plans: Use and Reuse
    Wedlich-Zachodin, Kerstin Vanessa Soltau, Kerstin Rodenburg, Elisa Kuusniemi, Mari Elisa
  • RDMO-Workshop im Project-Track bei der RDA-De Tagung, 25. 02. 2020, Potsdam
    Ulrike Wuttke, Olaf Michaelis
  • Workshop AG Datenzentren "Interoperabilität", 23. 01. 2020, Frankfurt am Main
    Semantische und syntaktische Interoperabilität des RDMO-Datenmodells
    Ulrike Wuttke, Olaf Michaelis
  • Open Access Tage Hannover 2019, 01. 10. 2019,
    Tool-Marktplatz: Research Data Management Organizer
    Olaf Michaelis
  • DH-Kolloquiums an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), 02. 08. 2019,
    How FAR is FAIR? Der öffentliche Zugang zu geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten als gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und die Rolle des Forschungsdatenmanagements
    Ulrike Wuttke, Jochen Klar
  • Wisskom2019, 06. 06. 2019, Jülich
    Research Data Management Organiser
    Wuttke, U.; Neuroth, H.; Klar, J.; Enke, H.; Straka, J.; Wedlich-Zachodin, K.; Kramer, C.; Michaelis, O.; Ludwig, J.
  • E-Science-Tage 2019, 28. 03. 2019, Heidelberg
    Lightning Talk, Poster Session, Demotisch
    Jochen Klar, Olaf Michaelis
  • CampusSource Tagung 2019, 26. 03. 2019, Hagen
    RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser
    Jochen Klar
  • 7. Bibliothekskongress, 20. 03. 2019, Leipzig
    Aktives Datenmanagement mit RDMO
    Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin, Olaf Michaelis
  • RDA Deutschland Tagung 2019, 20. 02. 2019, Potsdam
    Research data management organiser
    H. Enke, J. Klar, O. Michaelis, H. Neuroth, J. Straka, C. Kramer, K. Wedlich-Zachodin, F. Tristram, J. Ludwig
  • International Open Access Week 2018, 24. 10. 2018, Berlin
    RDMO – Research Data Management Organiser
    Olaf Michaelis, Jochen Klar
  • Beilstein Open Science Symposium, 10. 10. 2018,
    RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser
    Claudia Kramer
  • 107. Bibliothekartag, 13. 06. 2018, Berlin
    Aktives Forschungsdatenmanagement - Das DFG-Projekt Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO)
    Heike Neuroth, Janine Vierheller
  • 7. Workshop AK Forschungsdaten der Leibniz Gemeinschaft, 11. 06. 2018, Berlin
    Einsatz von Software in den Bereichen Forschungsdatenmanagement und Forschungsdatenhaltung
    Olaf Michaelis, Jochen Klar
  • DMP Common Standards WG - RDA 11th Plenary meeting, 21. 03. 2018, Berlin
    RDMO Lightning Talk
    Jochen Klar
  • Open Science Conference 2018, 13. 03. 2018, Berlin
    RDMO – Research Data Management Organiser
    Jochen Klar
    Folien Poster
  • LISA VIII: Astronomy Librarianship in the era of Big Data and Open Science, 07. 06. 2017, Straßburg
    Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO)
    Harry Enke
  • Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 30. 05. 2017, Berlin
    RDMO: Ein neues Werkzeug für das Forschungsdatenmanagement
    Jochen Klar
  • EGU General Assembly 2017: Open Data, Reproducible Research, and Open Science, 28. 04. 2017, Wien
    RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser
    Jochen Klar, Claudia Engelhardt, Heike Neuroth, Harry Enke, and Jens Ludwig
  • E-Science-Tage 2017, 17. 03. 2017, Heidelberg
    Workshop / Tutorial: RDMO
    Jochen Klar
  • Jour Fixe FDM der Digitale Hochschule NRW, 13. 03. 2017, Essen
    RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser
    Jochen Klar
  • RDA-Deutschland-Treffen 2016, 28. 11. 2016, Potsdam
    Jenseits von Datenmanagementplänen
    Jens Ludwig
  • Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Splinter Meeting: E-Science & Virtual Observatory, 15. 09. 2016, Bochum
    RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser
    Jochen Klar
  • DGI-Konferenz 2016: Erfahrung reloaded – Vom Mundaneum zum Web of Everything, 20. 05. 2016, Frankfurt am Main
    Datenmodellierung für Forschungsdatenmanagementpläne
    Martin Heger
    Abstract Folien
  • EGU General Assembly 2016: Open Access to Research Data and Public Sector Information towards Open Science, 21. 04. 2016, Wien
    DMPwerkzeug - A tool to support the planning, implementation, and organization of research data management.
    Jochen Klar, Claudia Engelhardt, Heike Neuroth, and Harry Enke
  • RDA-Deutschland-Treffen 2015, 26. 11. 2015, Potsdam
    Breakout-Session zu Datenmanagementplänen
    Jochen Klar, Hermann Stehouwer, Torsten Trippel
  • Helmholtz Open Science Webinar, 26. 10. 2015,
    Tools zur Erstellung von Forschungsdatenmanagementplänen
    Jochen Klar
  • 2. Workshop der DINI/nestor-AG Forschungsdaten, 23. 05. 2015, Berlin
    Anforderungen an ein Tool zur Erstellung von Forschungsdatenmanagementplänen
    Jochen Klar, Harry Enke, Claudia Engelhardt, Jens Ludwig


At Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP), the project collaborated with a one semester course for master students of Information Science. In winter semester 2015/2016 students from a project course did coursework on various aspects associated with the project and wrote the following term papers:

  • Datenmanagementpläne. Eine Bestandsübersicht. / Data management plans. An overview. Marcus Heinrich, Martin Heger Link to paper
  • Publikation von Forschungsdaten. / Publication of research data. Christoph Steinhof Link to paper
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen zum Forschungsdatenmanagement am Beispiel von WissGrid. / RDM specifics for Social Sciences, using WissGrid project material. Michaela Meyer Link to paper

An extensive collection of literature on the topic Research Data Management on Zotero was created.

A master thesis on “Data modeling for Research Data Management Plans” was written by Martin Heger in cooperation with our project. Link to master thesis (Note: Due to further development of RDMO, the description of the data model given in this document does no longer represent the current state.)