
  1. Announcements:
  2. Regular RDMO video conference dates

On this page we summarize our current activities. To stay up to date, subscribe to our mailing list, or chat with us on Slack. (Write an email to us: and we will invite you to Slack.)


12.02.2025 1pm-1:45pm

The first version of the new editor’s guide is now available at read-the-docs/management. This manual addresses research data managers and RDMO editors and their most important questions. For any feedback or wishes, please contact the rdmo group directly via

First session on 21.02.2025 from 10-11am

New formation of the Attributes UAG. Attributes as a central element in RDMO are a major topic that will be dealt with in a separate UAG. You will find more information on this page soon.

deadline 03/2025

Invitation to the user study on the “Standardized Data Management Plan for Educational Research (Stamp). The Stamp editorial group of the Verbund Forschungsdaten Bildung (VerbundFDB) cordially invites you to participate in a user study on the Stamp. They are looking for researchers in educational research or related social science disciplines who would like to participate in the study. You can find more information here

The RDMO working group was constituted with the event on October 7th, 2020. It calls on RDMO users to participate in further work on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). For connection information to the workshops and regular dates, please contact the RDMO working group or the responsible person. Interested people are welcome.

Regular RDMO video conference dates

(Status: April 2023)

Fokus Termin Ansprechperson

steering group

  • Exchange of steering committee members

  • not public, no participation possible

on the 4th Tuesday of the month (13:00-14:30)


software group

  • Exchange on past and future technical developments

  • open, participation possible

on the 3rd Thursday of the month (11:00-12:00)

Jochen Klar

general content group

  • Exchange and agreement on content development processes

  • open, participation possible

currently irregular

Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin

UAG editorial processes

  • Implementation of decided changes of content type

  • open, participation possible

on the 1st Friday of the month (10:00-11:00)

Giacomo Lanza

UAG Website

  • Updating the official website of RDMO

  • open, participation possible

on the 2nd Friday of the month (10:00-11:00)

Sabine Schönau

UAG attributes

  • documentation of actual attributes and instructions to find suitable attributes

  • redaction of the extentions of the domain

on the 3rd Friday of the month (10:00-11:00)

Sabine Schönau

UAG Views

  • Improvement of the generation of views

  • paused

Jürgen Windeck

UAG DFG Checklist

  • Transfer of the DFG checklist into a generic RDMO catalog including a view

  • completed, no longer possible to participate

Kathrin Höhner

UAG Running Projects

  • Development and adjustment of the RDMO basic catalogue, to extend its coverage to already running projects

  • completed, no longer possible to participate

Bernd Zey, Sarah Wettermann

UAG advertising and external cooperation

  • Bringing together content and activities from national and international groups

  • completed, no longer possible to participate

Ivonne Anders

UAG Guidance texts

  • Creation of funding-specific (formal) and subject-specific (all-purpose) DMP specifications and representative use cases

  • completed, no longer possible to participate

Christin Henzen