RDMO Community-Meeting

Day: 07.10.2020
Time: 09:00-13:00
Location: Zoom Conference

During the Community Meeting, the new organisational structure of RDMO, the opportunities for participation as well as news about RDMO will be presented. The RDMO-DFG project supports the workshop. The programme will include reports and presentations (NFDI directorate requested) as well as interactive sessions.


  • 09:00 → 10:00 Status

    • 9:00 Welcome (Gerald Jagusch)
    • 9:15 Closing and review of the DFG project RDMO (Harry Enke)
    • 9:30 Status reports

      Status Report Steering Group: “From Project to Working Group - The New Structure” (Johannes Frenzel)

      Status Report Content Group: “A user-oriented concept for attribute maintenance and central administration of application-specific question catalogues” (Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin & Jens Freund)

      Status Report Development Group: “Multi-Site, Plugins, Integrations - RDMO Software Development 2020” (Jochen Klar)

  • 10:00 → 10:10 Short break
  • 10:10 → 11:30 Key points MoU and Keynote NFDI (Sure-Vetter)

    • 10:10 Presentation of the objectives and key points of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) (Birte Lindstädt)
    • 10:25 Discussion on the MoU (Daniela Hausen)
    • 11:00 Keynote: Prof. York Sure-Vetter (Director of the NFDI)
  • 11:30 → 12:20 BreakOut Time: Please indicate the desired group already at registration!

    • open session of the developer group (moderation by EG)
    • open meeting of the content group (moderated by CG)
    • Coordination of RDMO in the NFDI (moderation by SG)
    • User experiences with the UI - improvements? (Moderation N.N.)
  • 12:20 → 12:30 Short break
  • 12:30 - Presentation of the discussion points of the sessions and farewell

    Convener: Robert Strötgen (UB TU Braunschweig)

  • 13:00 end