RDMO Consortium

With the end of the DFG funding for RDMO in autumn 2020, the RDMO working group was founded at the user meeting on October 7th, 2020. It is based on the voluntary cooperation of institutions and individuals to keep the open source software RDMO usable and to further develop it. They have expressed their support by signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The organizational structure with various bodies is intended to support this development and is detailed in the MoU.

Steering Group

The RDMO Consortium is led by a steering group (SG). The representatives of the steering group are elected by the members at the general meeting every three years or as needed. The SG will accompany the direction of the further development and coordinate the processes for the further development of the software and its content. The SG is composed of at least five persons.
You can reach the steering group via: rdmo-steuerungsgruppe@listserv.dfn.de

Gerald Jagusch ORCID Logo (Speaker) leads the IT, research & development department at the Library of TU Darmstadt. He is interested, among otherthings, in Research Data Management for engineering sciences.

Giacomo Lanza ORCID Logo (Speaker) is coordinator for the research data management at the Library of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Brunswick. His main action fields are the interaction of metrology and research data management; the development of standards, metadata and terminologies; the generation of data management plans for European project and their implementation in RDMO.

Johannes Frenzel ORCID Logo is a staff in IT.SERVICES and Research Data Service at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His work focuses on repositories and data management plans, which he actively promotes within the UA Ruhr and NRW.

Katja Diederichs ORCID Logo is working as a team member in the section Research Data Management at ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences. She is responsible for the PID service, reserach data management and publication services.

Olaf Michaelis ORCID Logo is a research associate at the Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP). He is a member of the E-Science group and works primarily as a software developer.

Daniel Arend ORCID Logo is involved in research data management at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben, where he is responsible, among other things, for the development and maintenance of the data publication infrastructure. He deals, for example, with topics such as persistent IDs and metadata standards in life sciences.

Development Group

The technical coordination and further development of RDMO is organised by a development group (EG). In addition to a core of long-term committed developers, who continuously drive the development forward, a low-threshold participation of a larger number of developers is desired and possible. These can, for example, contribute to development on a project-specific basis.
The development group ist contactable via: Slack

Jochen KlarORCID Logo (Speaker) is a freelancing software developer and consultant with a focus on research data management. He supports the project since his time as a postdoc at Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP).

David WallaceORCID Logo is software developer in the Research Data Services team at the University and State Library Darmstadt. He is responsible for the operation of the multi-tenant RDMO instance, contributes in the development of new features and fixes the occasional bugs.

Max SchröderORCID Logo is a software developer in the research data team at the Rostock University Library. In addition to the implementation of research data services, he deals with standardized descriptions of research processes, research data management and virtual research environments.

Janine StrakaORCiD Logo is the coordinator of research data management and subject specialist at the Potsdam University Library. From 2017 to 2021 she worked on various research data management projects at the Fachhochschule Potsdam (FHP), e.g. in the second RDMO project.

Martin SpengerORCID Logo participates in RDM information services at University Library of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. He is responsible for technical and content-related support of the RDMO instance of LMU as well as the associated consulting and realisation of workshops.

Laura MeierORCID Logo participates in RDM information services at University Library of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She is responsible for technical and content-related support of the RDMO instance of LMU as well as the associated consulting and realisation of workshops.

Content group

The content group (CG) consists of volunteers who drive the content coordination and further development of RDMO. A low-threshold participation of a larger number of volunteers is desired and possible. They can, for example, contribute to the development of the project. The focus of their work is the maintenance and controlled merging of existing and newly generated content such as attributes or questions for catalog templates. A moderation and support of the individual processes as well as domain adaptations will take place. The CG collects user feedback and checks the general usability against the background of user feedback.
The content group is contactable via: E-Mail, Slack

Kerstin Wedlich-ZachodinORCID Logo (Speaker) is a research associate at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). There she works at the research services in DMP consulting and teaching services and in the RDMO project. She is part of the editorial team of forschungsdaten.info.

Ivonne AndersORCID Logo works in the data management department of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) in Hamburg. There she works in the areas of portal development, training for students, as well as process optimization and workflows in simulation-based climate research. In the RDA, she leads the working group Discipline-specific Guidance for DMPs with others and is actively involved in other WGs and IGs. She is also a co-chair of the FDO forum (FAIR Digital Objects) and a member of various committees.

Yves Vincent GrossmannORCID Logo is research data management officer at the Max Planck Digital Library. He has made various contributions to the RDMO community. At the same time, he is in charge of the RDMO instance of the MPDL.

Christin HenzenORCID Logo is a research associate and project manager at the professorship for geoinformatics at the Technical University of Dresden. Her research interests include software development and architecture of research data infrastructures, as well as the usability of web-based applications.

Kathrin HöhnerORCID Logo leads the Digital Publishing and Information Literacy division of the University Library of the Technical University of Dortmund. In research data management, she is responsible for data management plans at the Technical University of Dortmund and also represents the TU Dortmund in the UA Ruhr.

Jimena LinaresORCID Logo works as data manager officer at the German Federation for biological data (GFBio). She supports the RDMO Instance in GFBio and contributes to the RDMO translation into Spanish.

Karsten Peters-von GehlenORCID Logo works as a research assistant in the data management department of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) in Hamburg. Among other things, he is involved there with advising scientists on all questions of research data management (RDM), with the planning and implementation of projects for the development and implementation of new RDM concepts especially for simulation-based earth system and climate research as well as with the RDMO based development and updating of data management plans for large consortium projects.

Thomas RichterORCID Logo is Research Data Officer and Technical Data Consultant at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

Frank RühleORCID Logo is a member of the Bioinformatics Core Facility at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz and supports the scientific groups in data analysis of Next Generation Sequencing experiments.

Jürgen WindeckORCID Logo is research data officer at the University and State Library Darmstadt. He is responsible for the federated RDMO service in Hesse and is coordinator of the NFDI working group infra-dmp.

Ad Hoc Groups

For special tasks and questions, further working groups can be formed from among the members at any time. They are coordinated by the Steering Group. The general meeting decides on the continuation of the ad-hoc groups.
We would like to invite all institutions that are interested in the preservation and further development of RDMO to sign the MoU and send it to the following e-mail address: rdmo-steuerungsgruppe@listserv.dfn.de.

General meeting

The general meeting of the RDMO collaboration comprises the entirety of all members. Users and other interested parties can participate in the general meeting. The members elect the representatives in the Steering group. The general meeting meets at least once a year as required.

Former community members

Former employees

Harry EnkeORCiD Logo (Speaker) leads the E-Science group at Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP). He works for building digital infrastructures for research data in astrophysics. Also, he is spokesperson for the Arbeitskreis Forschungsdaten (WG Research Data) of the Leibniz Gemeinschaft.

Daniela HausenORCiD Logo works on Research Data Manageme at RWTH Aachen University. Her work focuses on data management plans, trainings and (inter-)national collaborations. She is actively participating in the workgroup on data management plans of the Research Data Alliance. Also she is Chair of IG ‘Research data management in engineering’.

Birte Lindstädt is Deputy Head leading the section Research Data Management at ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences. She is responsible for information infrastructures for reserach data, and services for research data management.

Robert StrötgenORCiD Logo is Deputy Director of the University Library of the TU Braunschweig and Head of the IT and Research Support Services department. He is also responsible for research data management. In the area of open source, since 2012 he has been involved in projects such as ‘Kitodo. Key to digital objects e.V.’, of which he is chairman of the board.

Jens FreundORCiD Logo is a member of the research data management team of the Library of TU Darmstadt and part of the HeFDI project Hessian Research Data Infrastructures. His work areas are RDMO, electronic laboratory notebooks and the development of new library concepts for the provision of digital scientific literature.

Claudia Kramer is a subject librarian at the Library of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As the leader of the serviceteam rdm@kit, she coordinates its research data management projects.

Jens LudwigORCiD Logo is one of the spokespersons of the joint working group “Forschungsdaten” (Research Data) of the Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e.V. (DINI) and nestor - Deutsches Kompetenznetzwerk zur digitalen Langzeitarchivierung.

Heike NeurothORCiD Logo is a professor for Library Sciences at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP). Her work comprises of many activities in the areas of electronic archiving, research data management, long-term preservation and digital humanities.

Robert Ulrich is a research assistant and software developer at the library of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He coordinates, manages and develops for re3data, the Serviceteam RDM@KIT and other RDM projects. He is responsible for hosting the RDMO instance at forschungsdaten.info.

Claudia EngelhardtORCiD Logo has been a research associate at Fachhochschule Potsdam (FHP) and Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB). Her focus of interest lies on research data management and -infrastructures, long-term preservation as well as training and education in these areas.

Martin Heger is Master of Information Science (Potsdam University of Applied Sciences). His master thesis is “Data modeling for Research Data Management Plans”.

Frank Tristram is a research associate at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His work focuses on the needs of scientific communities and the transfer of new digital and data-driven methods into scientific practice.

Ulrike WuttkeORCiD Logo is a research associate at Fachhochschule Potsdam (FHP). Her focus of interest lies on research data management and infrastructures, Open Science, and Digital Humanites, as well as training and education in these areas.